No Pictures Today…

July 25, 2011

But good news, we ordered a new camera!

Not much else to report, besides that we survived the heat wave. At one point our weather report said “103, Feels like 126.” Mimi has been napping, but not consistently. She’s really throwing us for a loop. Andy will be away this week, so we’re gearing up for some Mimi/Mommy time.

Here’s a cute Mimi story: At a friend’s house the other day, the girls were sitting at a little table having a snack. Some noisy toy was also sitting there, and it randomly made some goofy sound. It is easy to tell this child doesn’t have many toys that make noise – she flew out of her chair and up into my lap saying “Mama, I worried bout that!” She’s so funny.

Pictures coming soon!


Naptime Striker

July 19, 2011

Say it ain’t so! I’m hoping this isn’t the beginning of the end. For the last two days, Mimi has refused to nap. I’ll put her upstairs, and she’ll do her usual singing for an hour or so, but the singing turns to whining and that’s the end of that. Noooooo! My patience has been getting quite the workout in the afternoons; the little one falls to pieces by about 5pm. It doesn’t help that it’s about a million degrees out, and the humidity is about a million percent, too.

Other than that, she’s cute as a button and so funny. She comes up with the smartest and silliest things. She played a lot with Daddy this weekend while I was busy with some other things.

Singing with Daddy

Concentrating. She was telling Daddy that she saw a moon in the sky 'lefay' (yesterday).

We’ve been doing a lot of juicing lately. M loves it – we do veggies from our CSA and garden, not fruit. Here was today’s juice:

Parsley, beet greens, lemon, and cucumber juice in her faaaaavorite bunny cup (thanks B!)

At 25 weeks now, I’m feeling great. My belly is getting bigger! Hard to believe that this baby could be here in as few as 10 weeks (but hopefully more). I guess we better start thinking about names.

The belly! And some lovely sticker decorations near the top of my tanktop.

And booooo, no new or fixed camera yet. Hopefully soon! I can’t seem to convince Andy to fix the broken one or buy a new one. Harumph.

Beach Bums

July 10, 2011

We’re loving summer, and happily spending lots of time outside. This morning we hit a local state park with a lake and did some swimming. The photos are stills from our video camera (Andy hasn’t fixed our camera yet), so not that great.

Goofy with Dada's goggles


All set!

What a smile

After a good nap we packed up again and went over to watch Andy play Gaelic football for the evening. Mimi got to run around with a few of her friends and completely wore herself out. And kept trying to take her clothes off. Grrrr … acceptable behavior for our backyard but not necessarily a football field. Any suggestions?

Andy took last Friday off, so we’ve had a little extra Daddy time the last couple days. Dada and Mimi spend a lot of time just doing goofy things. Like playing in boxes.

Pure, unadulterated cuteness

A Camera-Less Fourth

July 5, 2011

Well, not totally camera-less. I was able to pull some stills from our video camera. Not great, but at least documents a bit of our fun.

On Friday afternoon we packed up an impromptu picnic and hit a local lake. It was wonderful, and was Mimi’s first excursion to the beach this summer, other than the ocean. I noticed a big difference; without the ocean waves she was fearless and went crashing right into the water. Good thing Mama and Dada were around to spot her.

We spent one of our weekend days with our friends on a lake. Their family has a house there so we swam, played, ate…it was so perfect. We love lakes! Here are some pics from that excursion:

Hauling girls and gear down to the lake. Not pictured is the newborn that also went with.

The day started out a bit rainy but cleared up

Mimi's second ever boat ride

Not quite getting that she needs to sit down

Heading home after a full day. We can't seem to keep our daughter clothed.

Not sure if this shot is clear, but it was a full-force run by three girls to get back to the Grandpa at the house


This was the first day ever that we purposefully skipped a nap for Mimi. She did well, but my goodness was she tired. On the way home she fell asleep in the car, so Andy carried her upstairs and she didn’t even rouse to get her jammies on, which NEVER happens. She ALWAYS wakes up when she’s fallen asleep in the car.

On the actual Fourth of July we just stayed home and did lots of playing outside. Andy specifically asked NOT to do anything.

I’m feeling great! I have lots of energy (she says before she sneaks off for a nap). I’m now 23 weeks and my belly feels like a watermelon. I’ve still been running, but very very slowly! Running feels different this time than it did with Mimi. I also do lots of walking. I’ll try to post a belly pic, because really – now I actually look pregnant. I’m about to make the switch over to maternity clothes, I think.